Circular Resolution for Use of Annual Surplus - Template

A resolution on the use of the annual surplus is a decision made by a company's board or shareholders about how the company’s profits from the year should be distributed. This could involve decisions about creating reserves, paying dividends to shareholders, or reinvesting in the company. Using a circular resolution for this decision makes the process faster, more efficient, and legally compliant, all without needing to schedule a formal annual meeting.

Our circular resolution template for the use of profits is a great way to simplify this process. It includes sections for acknowledging the annual financial statement, determining the distribution of profits among shareholders, carrying forward any remaining surplus, and optionally allocating funds to reserves.

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Circular Resolution - Use of the Annual Surplus


Circular Resolution on the Use of the Annual Surplus

Company Name: NexaCloud Ltd.
Company Address: 13 Mellisa Spurs, East Sean, KT6 5DX
City, Postal Code: [City, Postal Code]
Date: [Date of the Circular Resolution]

The undersigned shareholders of NexaCloud Ltd., who have reviewed the financial statements for the fiscal year [Year], adopt the following resolution on the use of the profit:

Approval of the Financial Statements

The shareholders acknowledge the financial statements for the fiscal year [Year], which report the following figures:

Annual Surplus: [Amount]

Total Assets (Balance Sheet): [Amount]

Date of Financial Statement Preparation: [Date]

The financial statements have been audited, and the annual surplus of [Amount] is confirmed.

Resolution on the Use of the Profit

Based on the approved financial statements, the shareholders resolve that the profit be utilized as follows:

Distribution of Profit to Shareholders

A portion of the annual surplus, amounting to [Amount], will be distributed among the shareholders as follows:

Shareholder 1: [Amount]

Shareholder 2: [Amount]

Shareholder 3: [Amount]

Retained Earnings

The remaining profit, amounting to [Amount], will be carried forward to the next fiscal year.

Formation of a Profit Reserve

[Optional: The shareholders also resolve to allocate [Amount] to the profit reserve to ensure the financial stability of the company.]

Timing and Method of Distribution

The profit distribution to shareholders will take place on [Date]. Payments will be made [via bank transfer/other methods] and distributed in accordance with the percentages mentioned above.


The shareholders are asked to vote on the following question:

Question: Should the profit of [Amount] be distributed to the shareholders, with the remaining profit of [Amount] carried forward, and [Amount] allocated to the profit reserve?

Voting Options:

Yes – I approve the proposed use of the profit.

No – I reject the proposed use of the profit.

VoteShareholder 1Shareholder 2Shareholder 3

Deadline for Voting

The shareholders must submit their decision no later than [Date]. Voting will take place in writing, and each shareholder must declare their approval or rejection in writing.

Result of the Vote

The result of the vote will be determined based on the votes cast. The resolution will be considered approved if a majority of the shareholders vote "Yes."

Formal Requirements

This circular resolution is adopted in accordance with the requirements of the company’s Articles of Association. The shareholders confirm that this resolution has been made without a physical meeting. All necessary notices and approvals have been properly obtained.


By signing this circular resolution, the shareholders confirm their approval or rejection of the resolution on the use of the profit.

[ No signatories assigned ]
[ No signatories assigned ]
[ No signatories assigned ]


This circular resolution must be signed by all shareholders.

A copy of the signed circular resolution should be kept in the company’s records.

This circular resolution is made in accordance with [Applicable law e.g., Sec. 48(2) of the German Limited Liability Companies Act (GmbHG)]. It is considered legally valid once all shareholders have provided their written approval.

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Disclaimer: The original creator, the author of this template, and fynk GmbH are not responsible for any damages or liabilities that may result from using this template. This template should not be considered a substitute for legal advice, and consulting with a legal professional is recommended before use. fynk GmbH, the original creator, and the author do not provide legal advice and will not be held accountable for any legal consequences arising from its use.

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Background Information

Circular resolution for use of annual surplust explained in simple terms

Learn everything there is about circular resolution for use of annual surplus. What they are, when to use them for and what they should contain.

What Is a Resolution on the Use of the Annual Surplus?

A resolution on the use of the annual surplus is a formal decision made by the shareholders or board of directors regarding how the profits of the company should be utilized after a fiscal year. It can also be a part of financial statement resolution. The surplus typically results from the company earning more revenue than its expenses during the year.

Once the surplus is identified, the decision needs to be made on how to allocate it. This can involve:

  • Reserves: Setting aside funds for future projects, risk management, or company needs.
  • Dividends: Distributing a portion of the surplus to shareholders as a reward for their investment.
  • Reinvestment: Using the surplus to reinvest in the company, expand operations or launch new projects.

Advantages of a Circular Resolution for Annual Surplus Decisions

Using a circular resolution to decide on the use of the annual surplus has its perks:

  • Time savings in voting: You don’t need to wait for everyone to be available for a meeting. Shareholders can vote on the resolution remotely, speeding up the decision-making process.
  • Precise documentation: The circular resolution clearly documents the decision, providing a solid record of how the surplus was used and avoiding misunderstandings later on.

Legal requirements for resolutions on the use of profits typically depend on the company’s jurisdiction and its articles of association. However, it generally requires shareholder approval to decide how to distribute or allocate profits.

According to Germany GmbHG, the following are applicable:

Appropriation of Profits (§ 29)

§ 29 outlines how profits should be distributed. Shareholders can allocate profits to reserves or carry them forward, and distribution is typically proportional to shares unless stated otherwise in the partnership agreement. Managing directors can also move revaluation reserves to profit reserves with shareholder consent.

Submission of Financial Statements (§ 42a)

According to § 42a, managing directors must submit the annual financial statements and management report for shareholder approval within the first eight months of the financial year (or eleven months for small companies). This ensures timely decision-making on profit distribution.

Shareholders’ Meeting and Circular Resolutions (§ 48)

Under § 48, circular resolutions allow decisions without a physical meeting if all shareholders agree in writing. This makes it easier to make decisions quickly and efficiently, especially in the case of profit distribution.

Circular Resolution Template on the Use of Profits

Using fynk’s template for a circular resolution on the use of profits is a simple way to ensure that everything is done properly. Here are a few reasons why using our template is a good idea:

  • Protected Voting and Signing: Your votes and electronic signatures are securely encrypted to prevent any unauthorized alterations.
  • Instant Notifications: Receive real-time updates when shareholders cast their votes or sign the document.
  • Simple Sharing and Collaboration: Easily share the resolution template with stakeholders, allowing them to review and access it from anywhere.
  • Time Efficiency: Save time by avoiding the need for in-person meetings or lengthy email exchanges.

The template also specifies the voting process, deadlines, and formal requirements for adopting the resolution, ensuring legal compliance and transparency.


Can I use a circular resolution for other financial decisions besides the use of annual surplus?
Yes, you can use circular resolutions for various financial decisions, such as approving budgets, capital allocations, or other important financial strategies. It’s a flexible tool that works well for any decision that needs shareholder approval without the need for a formal meeting.
Is a circular resolution legally binding for the use of profits?
Yes, as long as the resolution follows legal procedures and is properly signed and approved by the shareholders, it is legally binding.
What if the company doesn’t have enough surplus to distribute?
If there isn’t enough surplus, shareholders may decide not to distribute any dividends or may choose to allocate the available funds to reserves or other company needs. The decision will depend on the company’s financial situation and strategy.

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