Circular Resolution - Remedy of Deficiencies in the Company’s Purpose
Company Name: NexaCloud Ltd.
Company Address: 13 Mellisa Spurs, East Sean, KT6 5DX
City, Postal Code: [City, Postal Code]
Date: [Date of Circular Resolution]
Issued by: [Managing Director or Responsible Person]
Pursuant to [Applicable law e.g., Sec. 76 GmbHG], the shareholders of NexaCloud Ltd. are requested to adopt a resolution to remedy deficiencies in the company’s stated purpose. This circular resolution is adopted in compliance with the relevant legal provisions and the company’s Articles of Association.
Unanimous shareholder consent is required to address and resolve the identified deficiencies in the company’s purpose, as described below.
Reason for the Resolution
[Briefly describe the deficiency in the company’s purpose that needs to be remedied.]
Proposed Resolution
The shareholders of NexaCloud Ltd. hereby resolve as follows:
To remedy the identified deficiency in the company’s stated purpose, as outlined above.
[Additional proposed measures may be included here, if applicable.]
Voting and Signatures
This resolution requires unanimous consent from all shareholders.
Shareholders are requested to submit their votes electronically no later than [Date], using the voting blocks provided in this document.
Please indicate your decision by selecting one of the following options and signing accordingly:
Yes – I approve the resolution to remedy the deficiencies in the company’s purpose.
No – I reject the resolution to remedy the deficiencies in the company’s purpose.
VoteShareholder 1
Shareholder 2
Shareholder 3